Choose your mindset: everything you do, say and feel comes down to choice, and nobody is in control of that choice but you. Which is either the most liberating and freeing feeling in the entire world, or a complete nightmare if you’re feeling stuck in a negative mindset.
Release the negative to make room for the positive: get out all negative stuff from your head in order to make place to newer and positive one.
Actively pay attention to the positive over the negative: embrace the positive over the negative. Make a conscious effort every single day to remind yourself of the good in life and look for it as often as possible.
Focus on realistic optimism: optimism brings you far more opportunities for both growth and general life satisfaction than pessimism will.
Look for solutions rather than problems: what you focus on is what you get, and so when you give all of your energy to problems you inevitably begin to identify more and more problems to focus on. On the other hand, when you focus on solutions you tend to find more solutions.
Don’t fight it; understand it: when you find yourself faced with negative stuff, either internally or externally, that you’re finding really hard to let go of, take some time to understand why that’s happening.
Become clear on your priorities and focus on them: choose to focus on what actually matters in life.
Remove distractions: the ‘distraction’ might be situations or other people that are more negative than positive, in which case remove yourself from the situation either temporarily or, if necessary, permanently.
Be present: just take a few minutes a day to consciously bring yourself back to the present moment. It really does make the world of difference in terms of grounding your focus and it serves to remind you that the only moment we have for certain is this one, now.
Reflect: Consider what went well for you and why, and consider what didn’t go so well and why, as well as what you would do differently next time.